Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Over My Dead Body... Please

You’ve got to really feel for Mick Jagger.  I mean, for over 50 years he’s been singing “what a drag it is getting old.”  That’s a long time to be bummed.  Although, watching him these days I’m not sure he’s the go-to guy for empathy when it comes to aging.

Beth, as she became, but not as she was.
As for me, I’ve done a pretty good job of living in denial of the inevitable.  But lately that mindset has been seriously undermined.  They say, “what you resist persists,” so I guess that’s why these days it I’m being confronted with reminders of my advancing age at every turn.  It also explains why for a while there I could not for the life of me escape Ed Sheeran’s “The Shape of You.”

I think the first dent in my Peter Pan armor came two years ago at a Hollywood Vampires concert.  (For those of you seriously un-hip fogies, that’s a cover band comprised of Alice Cooper, Joe Perry and Johnny Depp.)  It had been an amazing evening, full of oldies and goldies.  I was feeling pretty proud of myself for being so full of fearless, youthful energy that I had not only attended the concert alone but had driven myself the 20 miles to the venue even though it meant being out past 10pm!  So, when Alice came out for an encore and performed “School’s Out,” I was immediately on my feet, dancing and singing.  Feeling every bit like the 16 year-old I was when the song was released on my last day of eleventh grade.  And I wasn’t alone.  Everyone around me was dancing and singing, too.  My first thought was, “Wow, all those old people sure look silly shouting ‘school’s out!’.”  My second thought was, “Oh, fuck!”

I recovered.  However, lately, the reminders are coming faster and furiouser, and it’s getting harder to ignore.  These days it is television that’s the primary offender.  Is it too much to ask for a 3-hour Hayes/Maddow/O’Donnell block uninterrupted by not-at-all-subtle hints that the day is approaching when I’m going to need to install a door in my bathtub?  (Actually, once upon a time, a six-year old me would have thought that was the coolest thing ever.)  And can we please repeal the law that says a certain amount of ad time has to be sold to local businesses?  I know I live in a city with a large senior population, but for Christ’s sake, you'd think the only local businesses are retirement communities where people less than a decade older than I am seem to be having the time of their lives working out in a “fitness center” while fully dressed in street clothes.

And while I’m on the subject of assisted living facilities, can there possibly be a worse name for a service that helps you find one than “A Place For Mom?”  My mom is gone.  That means when someone on tv starts talking about “mom,” they mean me!  You know what, Joan Lunden?  I’ve got a place I might suggest for you.

Okay, look.  I don’t have a solution to this really, really annoying fact of life.  Acceptance is sporadic and not always easily achieved.  But I guess I’ll get there.  I never want to be a burden to my kids and will do everything I can to spare them any painful decisions, like whether to install a roller coaster on my stairway (again, Beth-At-Six loves that idea), or, you know, sending me off to Granny Acres.  I could launch into a discussion here about taking matters into my own hands when the time comes, but that’s a topic for a different and hilarious post.  But for now, I am going to live my life one day at a time and pray that when the day comes that my children need to consult each other about the best place to put mom, the options will either be on the bookshelf or on the mantle… next to dad.